I played Leap of Faith on Linux. It never crashed and I didn’t notice any spelling errors. You can save any time you want and there are fifty four save slots. Alt-Tab didn’t work. The game did have a very weird way of updating itself. The game is split into three versions: chapters 1-4; chapters 5-6 and chapters 7-8. You have to copy and merge the files of the newer versions into Chapters 1-4 and then run it from there. This has caused some issues for some players and while I got it to work it is weird and shouldn’t be needed. Other visual novels when they release new chapters just release a new executable for all content without splitting it off and I don’t see why Drifty didn’t do that.
Game Engine: Ren’Py 8.0.2
Graphics API: OpenGL
Game Version Played: 1.01c
Disk Space Used: 7.4 GB
GPU Usage: 0-95 %
VRAM Usage: 1114-1521 MB
CPU Usage: 2-52 %
RAM Usage: 2.2-3.2 GB
Overall I can easily recommend Leap of Faith. It had a few quirks but nothing major and it’s got some great stories; characters; animations; music and presentation. I paid $6.79 CAD for it and that is a steal. If it had of been $45 it would still be worth it. I finished my first play through in ten hours and forty three minutes and that was just one of the available romance paths, there are still another half dozen or so combos I could try. If you enjoy visual novels give this a try. It has something for everyone .
My Score: 9/10
My System:
AMD FX-9590 | 16GB DDR3-2133 | XFX RX 590 8GB Fat Boy | Mesa 22.1.7 | Garuda | Mate 1.26.0 | Kernel 5.19.9-zen1-zen